Thursday, December 18, 2008

research paper from hell........

The career that I am interested in is forensic science. When everyone asks me what I am studding or want to become I tell them I want to go into forensic science, they think the only reason I want to go into forensic science was because I watched CSI, but, ever since I was a little girl I was always interested in detective work and mysteries. So as I got older I formed an interest in science which eventually led me to forensic science. I find forensic science to be very interesting and it something I really want to strongly pursue.
Forensic scientists analyze the evidence they receive from police, prepare reports describing the results of their analysis. Whenever a crime is committed every piece of evidence, like hair, fiber samples, pieces of clothing, and some personal belongings that could provide clues to solving the case are turned over to forensic scientists for analysis. Their analyses involve a variety of sciences, mathematical and problem solving methods, including use of complex instruments. Persons employed in large laboratories tend to specialize. Most crime lab professionals work in one or more of the following areas. Controlled substances and toxicology. Crime lab professionals specializing in this area examine blood and other body fluids and tissues for the presence of alcohol, drugs, and poisons. Biology Crime lab professionals compare body fluids and hair for typing factors, including DNA analysis. DNA analysis determines how frequently parts of a person’s genetic code are found in the population; forensic scientists isolate DNA strands from an individual’s body fluids to compare that person’s unique DNA to the DNA of a sample of others. (HALL PARA 4-8)
The outlook overall the expected to grow 12 percent during the 2006-16 decade, about as fast as the average for all occupations (KAY PARA 1).The continued growth of scientific and medical research—particularly research related to biotechnology—will be the primary driver of employment growth, but the development and production of technical products should also stimulate demand for science technicians in many industries. Employment of biological technicians should increase faster than the average, as the growing number of agricultural and medicinal products developed with the use of biotechnology techniques boosts demand for these workers. Job growth for chemical technicians is projected to grow more slowly than the average. The chemical manufacturing industry, except pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing, is anticipated to experience a decline in overall employment as companies downsize and turn to outside contractors to provide specialized services. Employment of environmental science and protection technicians is expected to grow much faster than the average; these workers will be needed to help regulate waste products; to collect air, water, and soil samples for measuring levels of pollutants; to monitor compliance with environmental regulations; and to clean up contaminated sites. An expected decline in employment of forest and conservation technicians within the Federal Government will lead to little or no change in employment in this specialty, due to budgetary constraints and continued reductions in demand for timber management on Federal lands. Employment of agricultural and food science technicians is projected to grow about as fast as the average. Jobs for forensic science technicians are expected to increase much faster than the average. Employment growth in State and local government should be driven by the increasing application of forensic science to examine, solve, and prevent crime. Crime scene technicians who work for State and county crime labs should experience favorable employment prospects resulting from strong job growth. Which this is something I am considering on doing. Job prospects. In addition to job openings created by growth, many openings should arise from the need to replace technicians who retire or leave the labor force for other reasons. Job opportunities are expected to be best for graduates of applied science technology programs who are well trained on equipment used in laboratories or production facilities. As the instrumentation and techniques used in industrial research, development, and production become increasingly more complex, employers will seek individuals with highly developed technical skills. Good communication skills are also increasingly sought by employers. ( PARA 30-40)
There are several ways to qualify for a job as a science technician. Many employers prefer applicants who have at least 2 years of specialized training or an associate degree in applied science or science-related technology. Because employers’ preferences vary, however, some science technicians have a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, biology, or forensic science or have completed several science and math courses at a 4-year college. Whatever their degree, science technicians usually need hands-on training either in school or on the job. Most can get good career preparation through 2-year formal training programs that combine the teaching of scientific principles and theory with practical hands-on application in a laboratory setting with up-to-date equipment. Graduates of bachelor’s degree programs in science who have considerable experience in laboratory-based courses, have completed internships, or have held summer jobs in laboratories also are well qualified for science technician positions and are preferred by some employers. Job candidates, who have extensive hands-on experience with a variety of laboratory equipment, including computers and related equipment, usually require a short period of on-the-job training. Those with a high school diploma and no college degree typically begin work as trainees under the direct supervision of a more experienced technician. Many with a high school diploma eventually earn a 2-year degree in science technology, often paid for by their employer. Many technical and community colleges offer associate degrees in a specific technology or more general education in science and mathematics. A number of associate degree programs are designed to provide easy transfer to bachelor’s degree programs at colleges or universities. Technical institutes usually offer technician training, but they provide less theory and general education than do community colleges. The length of programs at technical institutes varies, although 1-year certificate programs and 2-year associate degree programs are common. Prospective forestry and conservation technicians can choose from more than 20 associate degree programs in forest technology accredited by the Society of American Foresters. Around 30 colleges and universities offer a bachelor’s degree program in forensic science; about another 25 schools offer a bachelor’s degree in a natural science with an emphasis on forensic science or criminology; a few additional schools offer a bachelor’s degree with an emphasis in a specialty area, such as criminology, pathology, jurisprudence, investigation, odontology, toxicology, or forensic accounting. Some schools offer cooperative-education or internship programs, allowing students the opportunity to work at a local company or some other workplace while attending classes during alternate terms. Participation in such programs can significantly enhance a student’s employment prospects. People interested in careers as science technicians should take as many high school science and math courses as possible. Science courses taken beyond high school, in an associate or bachelor’s degree program, should be laboratory oriented, with an emphasis on bench skills. A solid background in applied chemistry, physics, and math is vital. ( PARA 17-25)
All earnings depending on which part of the field you are interested in can range from 31.49 to 14.84 dollars an hour. In 2007, the average annual salary in the Federal Government was $40,629 for biological science technicians; $53,026 for physical science technicians; $40,534 for forestry technicians; $54,081 for geodetic technicians; $50,337 for hydrologic technicians; and $63,396 for meteorological technicians. ( PARA 43-45)
Overall this research paper has shown me that this career has a lot to offer and there are many different ways of going through this career and that there’s many careers to choose from and quite a few have really caught my interest, it’s just a matter of really narrowing it down to what will be good for me in the long run and if for some reason whatever I may choose won’t work out for me, there will always be a back up.


Dillon, Hall. "Forensic Scientist: Career in a Crime Lab." 1999. Google. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 10 Dec, 2008 <>.
"Forensic Techn." Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. 2007. internet. Breau of Labor Statistics, 13 Dec 2008 .
Mc Kay, Dawn. "Forensic Science Technician: Career Information." 2008. Internet. Beau of labor statistics/, 10 Dec 2008 .

Tuesday, December 9, 2008






Education 101:
1. Be there
2. Do the work
- Adler

“ The loss of a single nail may cause the house to fall

“ We need to work our words into actions “
- Boyd Grant

“ An intelligent person can solve any problem an ignorant person does not even realize there’s a problem “
- Coach Adler

“ One must find the source within ones own self, one must possess it “
- Siddhartha

“ Take care of business or business will take care of you “
- Coach Adler

“ We find consolations we learn tricks with which we deceive ourselves….”
- Siddhartha

“ A mistake is repeated until it is learned “
- Confusious

“ An age is called dark, not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it”
- James Michener

“ If you stand too close to a trashcan—you’ll start to smell like it….”
- Coach Adler

“ I will learn from my self, be my own pupil; I will learn from myself the secret “
- Siddhartha

“ This is not a dress rehearsal – this is it! “
- Tom Cumingham

“ People who settle for less end up with nothing….”
- Bobby knight

“ Attitude + Effort = Results “
- Coach Adler

“ There are none so blind as they that refuse to see….”
- Dante

“ When making a decision – Does it have a positive or negative affect on you? “
- Coach Adler

“ If you always do what you’ve always done – you’ll always get what you’ve always got “
- Coach Adler

“ I came to myself in the dark wood where the straight way was lost “
- Dante

“ There’s a reaction to every action in physics and in man…. “

“ Did you ever consider the consequences of your actions “?
- Mary Shelley’s

“ Life is a storm – you will bask in the sunlight for only a moment, be shattered on the rocks the next, what makes you a man is what you do when the storm comes…. “
- Edmond Cantes

“ You don’t get extra credit in life “
- Coach Adler

“ Nothing has been experienced but what has been lined and made conscious…. “
- Albert Camus

“ There’s is only a now…. What happen yesterday is gone; what will happen tomorrow, we will never know. We must learn to live in the present.
- Siddhartha

“ Those at the top of the mountain did not just fall there “
- Confusious

“ Everything in moderation “
- Adler

“ The future depends on what we do in the present “
- Manatha Gandi

“ Everything wasted is a day you will never get back “
- Boyd Grant

“ Being happy isn’t having everything in your life perfect, maybe it about stringing together the little things. “
- Bailey

“ Humanity is just a work in progress….”
- The Gypsy

“ There is one thing that all poor people have in common – a lack of education. “
- Simon Haley

“ We often supply the means for our won destruction….”

“ There are no easy paths to the mountain top, no matter which route you choose you still have to climb up….”
- Confusious

“ Drink deep, or taste not the pieran spring. “
- John Dryden

“ If you fail to prepare – prepare to fail….”
- Steve Prefontaine

“ Cheaters never prosper “

“ All things are written for our learning, so take the grain and let the chaff be still…. “ – The nuns priest

“ In the end, a mans story is all that he has “
- Beowulf

“ It is the journey itself which makes up your life “
- The Odyssey

“ In this business, you either give it your all or get out. “
- Gavin Harrioda

“ When you think of me – think of me not as a hero, think of me as a man – fallible and fidwed…. “
- Beowulf (2007)

“ Is this how you see man? Noble, beautiful and unafraid? See him as corrupt and evil his hands dripping with blood destined for damnation “
- Pope Julius II

“ Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles. “
- The Doctor__Macbeth

“ No human being has the right to won another human being; human beings make enough mess of their own lives without messing up other human beings….”
- Huckleberry Fin

“ My worst enemy, my best friend___myself….”
- Henrey Reyna

“ Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a life time. “
- Confusious

“ Half a foot does not make a man less of a man – unless he wants to be….”
- Belle Roots

“ We’ve got to remember the old ways and pass them onto the children. Its like there a whole trible, new people who are lost….”
- Pompeli__Roots

“ Our separated fortune shall keep us both the safer where we are there’s daggers in men’s smiles “
- Donalbin

“In this life there are consequences in what we do – and what we not do.”
- Adler

“ Mans evil he learned by himself – not from god.”
- Michelangelo

“ Never let another persons behavior, determine yours….”
- Boyd Grant_Frenso State

“ Everyday wasted is another day you’ll never get back. “
- Boyd Grant

“ Everyman’s life end the same way it only the details of how he live and how he died that distinguish one man from another”
- Ernest Hemingway

“ Each day should be rewarding”
- Ernest Hemingway

“ All glory comes from daring to begin “
- William Shakespeare

“ A small leak will sink a great ship…. “
- Benjamin Franklin

“ Most necessary tis that we forgot to pay ourselves what to ourselves is debt “
- Player King

“ There is a reaction to every action in physics and in man….”
- Abbe Faria

“What is a man if his chief good and market of his time be but to sleep and feed?”
- Hamlet

“We know what we are but know now what we may be….”
- Ophelia

“ I must be cruel to be kind “
- Hamlet

“ Graduation from high school means to graduate – To graduate from one level to the next level “

“ We see the problem but are we the problem “
- Coach Adler LQHS

“ You don’t have to bum books to destroy a culture, just get people to stop reading them “
- Ray Bradbury

“ The master will appear when the student is ready “
- Confusious

“ Our Remedies often in ourselves do lie “
- Shakespeare

“ You are all a bunch of zombies! You’re not living, you’re just killing time “
- Guy Montag

“ Are you moving on or moving back? ”
- Coach Adler LQHS

“ What are we? Humans, Animals? Cannibals? We’ve got to have rules and obey them! After all, we’ve civilized not savages. “
- Piggy Lord of the Flies

“ We see the problem but are we part of the problem? “
- Coach Adler



Court Hearings

For my midterm project I decided to go and hear a couple court cases. Among the court cases I have heard, My impression of seeing all these court cases was there all different. I saw cases that just had to do with probation, felony complaint, complaints and settlement cases. I noticed that all judges run there court differently, yet efficiently. It also depends on the case too.
I noticed during one of the settlement cases CORDOVA VS WILLIAMS, the plaintiff Cordova bought two lots for 120,000. Wanted a building permit to build on these lots, it ended up that the lots were not up to code. He had to do tons of repairs, the dirt levels were too high, the walls were not enough to support and weren’t the right size because of the dirt levels were being lowered. Plaintiff told the defendant about the repairs and defendant didn’t comply to the plaintiffs demands for the money back that he spent in repairs to these lots prior to building. The defendant Williams was served for 100,000 dollars, the total request ended up being 136,555. The plaintiff was granted part of the amount asked for and their awaiting to hear from the defendant. But while this case was being heard you can see the judge was listening carefully and taking notes, also made a few remarks.
Another case GAYLER VS OCHOA was about child support, Ochoa was not paying his child support and his reason was because he was not being allowed to see his son Skyler. Gayler wanted her child support and said she was not keeping Ochoa from seeing his son, Gayler said “i checked the box for reasonable visitation, Ochoa just never pursued it or didn’t seem to take an interest.” Gaylers petition for child support was granted. I noticed that the judge was listening and made the suggestion that they should really take the time to work out an agreement so that their son would be able to see both parents. It would really make a difference in both there and their sons lives.
Sitting in the court rooms and seeing how everything was run, I really showed great interest in being in a court room. I really enjoyed sitting in on all the cases. The judges didn’t mind having someone observing there court cases and how they were running there court room.


When most people walk into my room, some people say it is a disaster zone, but I think it isn’t half as bad as most rooms are. I have been told that it could use a little work, and maybe they are right.
Walking into my room you hear the fan that is sitting in the middle of my room and the air unit that sits outside, the smell of my Ralph Lauren perfume and dirty laundry. Shoes lying all over the floor. My big orange fat cat, Neo, roaming my room trying to find a place to sleep. There’s a soft unmade bed in the top right corner, with clothes, books and papers on top.
A trash can in the top left corner, which seems to either be filled with tons of papers for months and months on end or nothing at all. In between my bed and trashcan is a desk that sits above a big window, if you look out my window you can see the mountains, on top of my desk is a pink laptop, a big silver desk lamp, a little mirror, school books and notebooks, a cup with tons of pens and pencils, along with tons of empty drink bottles with the occasional empty food containers or sticky food wrappers.

Across from my desk is a big dresser with the dresser doors open, you will see tons of clothes and the junk I have, but don’t know where to put it, so I put it in there, if you sit on my bed, next to my dresser you will see a big round chair, above the chair there is a bulletin board with a calendar and tons of little knickknacks.
On the other side of the dresser is another bulletin board that holds a lot of pictures from when I went to Japan and some pictures of my animals and other family members, there are also some drawings that my friends made.
Underneath the bulletin board is where my purses and other bags hang from a rack. Next to that I also have luggage that sits behind my door and collects dust until the next time I use them.
After writing about my room I have come to the conclusion, that my room could use some help and a little cleaning wouldn’t hurt and that my family and friends were right, my room is a bit of a disaster zone.



Love has many different meanings to everyone. There are many stages of love at different ages and different types of love. My definition of love is caring about someone so much that your like would be very different without them there would always be a little piece of yourself missing, your life is incomplete when they are away and you would do anything to protect them or to make them happy.
When I think of love I think of love as a very powerful emotion. An emotion that allows you to care for people. When you think of love you can think of one word, and that is relationship, you can envision two people holding hands.
Alina Ruigrok says that you can and know what true love is, what we are not aware of is that there are different trends of love. Knowing about love trends can be helpful and may also help keep a relationship together. Trends can differ and also be the same. “It will help you come to a deeper understanding of what type of lover you are and your partner as well. People, whose personalities follow the emotional trend, are lovers who pay attention more to the meaning behind things, instead of the thing itself. A man who does not really care for picnics on the beach may still love the event due to the intention behind it. He sees the effort his mate put into it and sees the love and caring meaning that his mate had when the idea was thought of and planned. Emotional lovers are sensitive and love sharing with their partners and are also very spiritual. They do not hold back from expressing their true feelings.”
“A Creative trend follower on the other hand, may have some of the same traits as an emotional lover, but focuses more on discovering new things and trying them out, taking risks for a bigger thrill. They love to plan and be a part of interesting activities with their lovers because they like going through adventures and new territories together. These types of lovers are found to be quite exciting because they seem to be more mysterious and full of surprises and imagination.”
“Then you have the traditional trend follower, who likes to follow the rules of what society considers the right way to handle a relationship. They believe in having one partner, following the dating and romance guides to the point (bringing a girl some flowers when picking her up at the door for a date, just to mention one). They also believe in being organized, being financially responsible and planning the events that will take place in their lives with their partners.”
“Those are the main trends that most people fall into following. This does not mean that a person who has a certain love trend cannot carry qualities from other trends, however. It just means they in general carry that love personality. There is no trend better than the other either. Each trend is unique and interesting in its own way. When two people follow the same trend, it is fabulous because they both know exactly what the other is fond of and what to expect as well. There are hardly mixed signals. Having different trends is also a wonderful thing. When a couple has their individual love personality, it opens the door for each one to learn new ways to love expressions and can create a great trend combination!” (Ruigrok)
Toni Coleman talks about True Love and Chemistry, “chemistry is limited to one's physical response to another person. It lacks an entire dimension that resides in our values, beliefs, personalities and worldview.” Toni says that chemistry is classified as “A strong emotion” and this can turn into something great. But Toni says there can be some thing missing, it is often called “spiritual affinity". It's the hidden element of chemistry. It's when two beings meet and connect on a deeper level. It can only be felt in the heart and soul. It's about friendship, respect, humor and the feelings of warmth and contentment that come when you are in his/her presence.
People often report finding one without the other. This is understandably a cause of great frustration and confusion about whom should we choose and why. In order to understand this better, it is helpful to know how and when each facet of chemistry occurs.” “"Spiritual affinity" develops over time and repeated contact. When these feelings begin to emerge, the brain produces endorphins. These are more like morphine and result in an increased sense of calm that reduces anxiety and helps to build attachment. As relationships move into this phase they are characterized by more comfort, commitment and friendship.” Toni says that spiritual affinity is something that is needed in a relationship, as well as physical attraction. “Physical attraction (or lust) generally begins during our first contact with someone. It can DEVELOP into something more over time, yet some pull are there from the beginning. The chemical that results from this attraction (and intensifies it) is phenyl ethylamine - or PEA. It is a naturally occurring substance in the brain. Essentially, it is a natural amphetamine. It stimulates us and increases both physical and emotional energy. The attraction causes us to produce more PEA, which results in those dizzying feelings associated with romantic love. Another substance that is released by PEA is dopamine. This chemical increases a desire to be physically close and intimately connected.”
When these chemicals are being secreted in larger doses, they send signals from the brain to the other organs of the body. If you wonder why you or someone is attracted to the "wrong" person, it may be because you are high on the physical response to these substances, which overwhelm your ability to use your head and exercise "good judgment and common sense". (Coleman)
There are many different types of love. Kid love, teenage love, friendship love and marriage love. Each of these types has some similarities and differences with them. When you're a little kid you don't know what love is. You think of love as loving your parents, family and
friends but children don't get the idea of truly loving someone. When people think of teenagers and them being in love, they think they are nuts and it is completely impossible for someone so young to be in love so quickly and early. Teenagers tend to find love quickly at their age. They can simply fall in love after spending weeks or months with a person. Friendship love is a different type of feeling. To me friendship love is caring for someone without the same personal feelings of emotion like when you are in love. Family love is the type of love that will never leave you no matter what.
These are people you have been with your whole life; the kind of love that you have for them is indescribable and very different. Marriage love is the, you want to spend the rest of your lives together and never want to be apart. You will do whatever it takes to keep them happy and cared for.
To me love is something that can never be easily replaced or given up. Love may not be shown the way we want it to, love has its arguments, disagreements and fights through and through but Love is worth the trouble and the risk of what comes along with love. Love gives that special meaning to life; everyone needs that special meaning in their life.

Toni, Coleman. "True Love and Chemistry: Exploring Myth and Reality." 2008. Google., 12/05/08 .
Alina , Ruigrok. "What is your Love Personality?" 2008. Google., 12/05/08 .
Definition of Love. 2008. Google. 11/22/08, .
"The meaning of love." none. Sir Froggies Positive News Network. 11/22/08 .

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